Salisbury’s premier puppy & dog training school

Online shop

Gift vouchers
Mark the arrival of a new puppy or someone’s birthday with the gift that will enable them to learn, bond & grow with their new dog. These vouchers make a wonderful surprise.

Valid for six months from the date of purchase, vouchers are available in £10, £25, £50 & £75 denominations. Vouchers are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Price: £10 £25 £50 & £75 (+£1.99 recorded delivery, if needed)
Training clicker
Clickers are a essential tool for positive training. Focussing your dog on a desired action or response, they mark the behaviour and are associated with a reward for the dog. As they develop, the reward can be changed or withdrawn, so that the clicker alone can continue to mark the intended behaviour without a treat.

We give a free clicker to attendees at our Puppy Good Manners classes, but additional clickers can be purchased online or at our classes.
Price: £2 (+£1.99 delivery, if needed)
Short agility training lead
Long leads & extendable leads are not the best option for agility training as the trail and obstruct the dog and can be too heavy. These short easy grab agility training leads are great for puppies & dogs that are starting out on agility training. They give them the freedom to move but give you the ability to take back control of the dog without the hassle of taking off and reattaching a longer lead.

They are a fantastic addition for agility training and can be purchased online or during agility training classes.
Price: £5 (+£1.99 delivery, if needed)
Wag & Tone DVD
Wag & Tone is ideal for improving muscular conditioning, coordination, balance and overall fitness - for all kinds of dogs and people. Wag & Tone has been developed by dog trainers and a fitness coach. It fills the gap between basic puppy classes and training for competitive dog sports such as agility, while complementing all dog activities. As well as improving fitness together and having fun, with Wag & Tone you and your dog will develop an understanding and a firmer bond, whether your dog is a pet or working animal. All Wag & Tone exercises are approved by a fitness coach (for people) and an animal physiotherapist. Suitable for canines and people of all ages and levels of fitness, these exercises will help improve your tone, whatever your starting point. The demonstration videos show exactly how each exercise should be done. This ebook is also for instructors who want to use Wag & Tone in their classes.
Price: £20 (+£1.26 delivery, if needed)
funfordogs Ltd.